Texts that hit the spot

A text always has at least one target group – sometimes even more than one. At intext we are very aware of this and we can rewrite your text so that it hits the spot, every time.

Impartial and professional
Most experts are very capable when it comes to writing in detail about their own subject area, but when it comes to cutting right into the bone and getting the message across to the recipient, it can prove to be worth your while to have a pair of impartial and professional eyes look the text through.

Capture the reader
We know from our long experience with business letters, press releases and articles that you need to capture your readers’ interest quickly and convey a clear and distinct message. Otherwise, the information may be misunderstood – or even lost entirely!

Verbal or written input
We are happy to compose a text based on your verbal or written input, or we can rewrite an existing text – viewing the subject from a fresh and objective angle.

Text revision is normally charged by the hour or at an agreed fixed price.