No word-by-word translation

Well-qualified native translators only!


At intext we translate to / from the following ten languages:

Danish, English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian & Finnish  

Native translators
In order to ensure an extra high standard in our translations, they are, without exception, done by well-qualified native translators who have the target language as their mother tongue and a thorough knowledge of the source language.

Core competencies
intext has a large team of affiliated freelance translators, and our experience covers technical language, management terminology, marketing terms, as well as creative writing. We translate anything from websites, manuals, books, press releases and business letters to ads, newsletters, staff magazines, etc. – you name it!

The price is calculated according to the number of words or characters in the source text and furthermore depends on the language combination and the nature of the text itself. General business language is therefore a little less expensive than extremely difficult technical or legal text, as it does not take as long. We are always happy to quote you a fixed price for your translation job – just send it through and we will give you an estimate.